Tuesday, June 7, 2011

First real day of summer!

Teachers love summer vacation as much as the students do.  Think about it, we cram all of our work into nine months.  Contrary to popular belief, I am not paid to do nothing in the summer.  My salary is simply divided over 12 months instead of 9. 

That said, I am planning to enjoy this summer to the fullest.  Today we had a nice family breakfast and then went to the park.  To keep you from thinking that we have some idyllic life, the girls we a handful to wrangle into clothes and shoes.  There was a time out for hitting and a lot of whining and "No!"  The girls had a good time climbing on the playground and then we biked home.  They voluntarily put themselves down for a nap (yay toddler beds!) and now I'm working on lunch.'

If last summer is any indication, we'll have roughly this routine:

(6:30) wake up sometime around this
           eat breakfast
           go to park or for long walk in stroller
          play, play, play!
(10-1) nap (shower and nap for me, too!)
          play, play, play
          tv/quiet time

We are having these baked zucchini coins.  They smell awesome, but I'm not sure how crunchy they will be.  Probably will have some canned spaghetti sauce for dipping and will add a fruit, too. 

There is a load of towels in the wash and I'll fold some laundry while the girls play later this afternoon.  So far, I'm keeping busy, but it's just been one day.  I hope I can keep this pace up.  I'd like to be more active and lose this last 15 lbs...or at least redistribute it a bit.  Time to get lunch finished up...I hear the girls stirring a bit.

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