Friday, February 26, 2010

Introductions and Getting Started

I've been meaning to get started on this blog for about ten months, but I haven't found the time.  With ten month old twins, that tends to happen.  When I have time to spend with Thalia and Calliope, I tend to prefer playing and snuggling to blogging.  I don't, however, want the girls to grow up without knowing how important their babyhood was for all of us.  So, let's get started. 

Introducing, Calliope.  She's a clown!  She laughs, she giggles, she sobs and cries crocodile tears.
Thalia is a bit more reserved, but behind the quiet exterior is a goofball waiting to shine.  She loves to tell you about books and will let you know if you've made her unhappy.  Her chatter in the car makes me smile all the way to work.
We're all recovering from a week of colds and yuck in this house.  Speaking of recovering, it's time I go and get the laundry under control...or crash and get some sleep.  Wonder what will win?