Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sometimes twins are HARD

The girls are quickly approaching two and they definitely have more opinions.  I try to give them lots of choices, but sometimes it isn't possible.  Lately, the meltdowns have been all about me carrying them.  I cannot physically carry the two girls anymore.  I love carrying them, but at 23 pounds each or more, my ribs will not let me carry them.  Thalia can cry and throw a fit like nobody else I know.  We have implemented time outs for this.  Mostly, I've been letting her cry it out and then getting her out of her crib.  Unfortunately, she goes right back into a fit if I won't carry her out of the bedroom. On it goes.

1 comment:

  1. I feel for you! I am having this exact problem at 10 months, my kids are 22 and 25 lbs, and want to be held ALL THE TIME, even at the same time! I will typically carry August around for what I consider an "appropriate" length of time after a nap, half an hour to an hour, depending on how much energy I have...after that, it's just "deal with the crying" time. Glad to hear I'm not the only one! Josie is a bit more independent, so I try to hold her when she absolutely DEMANDS it. I'm lucky to have Daddy help me carry them around when he gets home.
