Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Grandma H.

Unfortunately, we lost your Grandma H. to ovarian cancer before you were born.  I think of her often every day.  We were so close and it is really hard knowing that you won't get to meet her.  So, here are some of the things I remember most.

Her sense of humor.  She was a lot of fun.  She was always Mom and you didn't cross certain lines, but she was fun.  When I was little, she'd dance with me and we'd play Barbies.  She used to kiss my ear before bed and say, "Yuck, rutabagas!" 

I find myself using lots of the same things she did.   When you're upset, I pick you up and rock you the same way she used to rock your cousins.  When you talk, I say the same things she used to say to babies.  We eat some of the same lunches and I can't wait until we can have pb and banana sandwiches for lunch...with a big glass of milk. 

There's so much more to tell and I know you'll know her through the stories you'll hear.

How we did it (part two)

I hope that a new or expectant twin parent finds this helpful.  We could not have survived if we hadn't found some tips online. 

When the girls could suck stronger, we switched them to Podee Bottles and that was great!  The bottles are a pain to clean, but they really, really were a huge help.  From what I remember, we had about four sets of bottles.  We cleaned them at the end of the day.  I loved the microwave sterilizer for the tubes.  I just never felt like the tubes got clean enough just rinsing them as the directions suggested. 

The Baby Trend Double Snap-n-Go was a great stroller for the early months.  I really miss it sometimes.  It was just so easy to pop the car seats into it.  We took the girls to Montreal with that on a train.  It was so nice and light and we didn't have to fuss with unbuckling babies and hauling a stroller in addition to car seats.

Color-coding.  Thalia's things tend to be pink.  For a while, we knew them in photos because Thalia had a stuffed froggy and Calli had a monkey. 

Now that they are into everything and trying to walk, it's a lot harder.  Especially with the biting.  I don't know what to do about the biting.  I don't have enough hands to cuddle the bitten baby while whisking the biter off to time out.  We'll make it through somehow, though.