Sunday, May 23, 2010

Now that you're one...

There are so many things to write in baby books and so many things I didn't mark down.  Now that you're one, let's look at the last year.  We brought you home and put you in your bassinet.  Calli cried and shook her fist and it scared Fenrir.  Fen fell in love with both of you right away.  You became his "puppies".  He made sure you were all right and let us know if you weren't.

We all took lots of naps and rested as much as possible.  The four of us spent lots of time on blankets in the family room.  We watched Dora and Lost for a long time between feedings. 
You took turns playing video games with Daddy.  It's never too early for a girl to learn how to kill zombies. 

We went to Cleveland for a book-signing and you helped Daddy sell his books.

You learned to smile and it lit up our lives!  This photo was taken while Daddy was away at a conference.  We all just woke up and you had your bottles on Mommy and Daddy's big bed.  Then we sat and played for a while.
We took you to Montreal, Canada for your first science fiction convention.  You were great travelers!  We learned not to mess with naptime and that babies need a good stretch, too.  Your Podee bottles were a big hit with lots of people.  You behaved better on the train than some of the adults.
We went to meet the May 2009 babies in Columbus, OH.  Calli is in the red pants and Thalia is in the white onesie.  We had a great time at the park with the other babies and their mommies.
Auntie Freya came to visit and we had lots of fun.  You were surprised to see each other with bows in your hair!

We went to Grandpop Hyatt's for Christmas Eve.  Neither of you liked being dressed up very much.  It made me very happy to put you in pretty dresses.  Usually, we dressed you in comfy clothes, so the dresses were and extra-special gift from Auntie Freya.